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标题: 北欧瑞典standfast—Carcrashes(个人推荐) [打印本页]

作者: resuzu    时间: 2007-9-16 23:19     标题: 北欧瑞典standfast—Carcrashes(个人推荐)


Car crashes, TV shows
A drunkard on the side of the road
People running (running)
Fantasy or reality
Analysis and theories
What does matter really?

Tell me what to believe
Won't you bring me order
Tell me what to achieve
Baby, so I can move forward
Tell me what to be
Car crashes, TV shows
A drunkard on the side of the road
People runnin', run

Credit cards in place of distress
Go live your life on the Internet
That's what this is
Conspiracies and mysteries
Science-fiction make-believe
My kind's misery

Chorus x2

Car crashes, TV shows
A drunkard on the side of the road
People runnin' (running)
(All these car crashes in my head)
Fantasy or reality
Analysis and theories
(All these car crashes)
What does matter really?
(All these car crashes)

[ 本帖最后由 resuzu 于 2007-12-30 15:39 编辑 ]
作者: tchsj    时间: 2007-9-17 04:38

作者: windwings    时间: 2007-9-17 07:06

作者: thanksthanks    时间: 2007-9-18 17:25

优美的旋律 让人想起了 坐在starbucks 喝black coffee的日子 和女朋友的并排坐着看着沈阳中兴楼上的巨型广告 哎 音乐结束 回到现实 坐在美国一个凄凉的小城的一个apt里面的已经在颤抖的chair上 写下让人思乡的文字。。。
作者: 哭鬼    时间: 2007-9-24 06:14

谢谢LZ的歌曲~ 找了半天也有好听的歌了!多发些类似的懒散的曲调吧~ 喜欢瑞典~ 大概是CS的关系吧~呵呵
作者: resuzu    时间: 2007-12-30 15:34


作者: 911aaa    时间: 2007-12-31 15:07


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